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A job interview in corona times? Use Skype.

Is it wise to go on a job interview in full corona time? This does obviously not have to be a problem if you take the necessary precautions. But you could ask to have the interview online, e.g. on Skype. We will be happy to explain how that works.

Charlotte Keulen

1 min. reading time

The solution?

Digital communication is becoming more and more common practice. However, both candidates and recruiters are often discouraged to do the interview on Skype. Why? They often miss the personal connection. It seems difficult to estimate who you are dealing with through the screen. That’s a shame, because this digital appointment can provide more flexibility and it may boost your application process.

Here are some of the advantages

  • It saves time: obviously, you don't have to travel for a Skype interview. You go to the job interview in your own living room. 
  • Flexibility: a Skype interview makes it easy to plan a quick interview even after office hours. Because even the recruiter does not have to stay at the office for this and can get to know you after work.
  • Personal acquaintance: despite the mixed feelings about this, Skype does provide a face-to-face feeling. You get a better idea of your candidate's personality than in a telephone conversation because you can see the person in front of you and make eye contact.
  • Discussing doubts: is there any doubt about the match on the part of one of the parties? Skype is indeed an easy way to discuss this. Without wasting much time, the details can be discussed concretely.
  • Screen Sharing: Skype allows you to share your desktop. This is a useful option when you want to show the vacancy again or discuss test results.

Skype Etiquette

  • Keep it neat and tidy: take care of your appearance, also on Skype. Just because you’re in your living room doesn’t mean you should wear your most comfy outfit. Provide a neutral background so that the interviewer is not distracted. Ask your partner/children/room mates not to barge in for a while. This doesn't look professional. 
  • Be punctual: respect the appointment and log in about ten minutes in advance. That way you can be sure everything works on fine. No experience with Skype yet? Test everything well in advance so that you can report any problems with your connection.
  • Headphones: use micro headphones. This ensures better sound quality, making the conversation much easier.
  • Follow-up: is everything clear after the conversation? Is anything else expected of you? Just like after a live meeting, the idea is that the follow-up is clear.

Need help starting your first Skype call? Check out our practical tutorial!

About the author

Charlotte Keulen

Vroeger schreef ik gedichten en teksten voor liedjes. Ik droomde ervan de tweede Britney Spears te worden. Zowel mijn schrijftalent als mijn zangtalent zouden helaas nooit het daglicht zien. Ten eerste was ik nooit tevreden over mijn eigen creaties en ten tweede heb ik een stem die absoluut niet gemaakt is om ook maar één noot te zingen.  

Een marketingdiploma, een cursus copywriting en heel wat ervaring later, zet ik mijn wil om te schrijven anders in. Als Digital Recruiter bij Bright Plus kan ik vaak urenlang intens tokkelen op mijn toetsenbord. Mailings, vacatures die gepimpt moeten worden, social media posts, en uiteraard deze blogs. Overal kan ik mijn creativiteit in kwijt. Zo leg ik nu dagelijks mijn tekstueel ei. Met creaties die ik regelmatig wél de buitenwereld durf insturen.

Want ik zit met een overvol hoofd, altijd en overal. Maar als ik een tekst schrijf geraak ik volledig "in the zone". En dat is steeds eventjes genieten!

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