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AI: your future colleague?

Artificial intelligence… No doubt you’ve heard about it. But what do you actually know? Since AI is slowly but surely making its way into your daily life and your job, wouldn’t you like to know which changes to expect?

Bright Plus

2 min. reading time

Siri, what is AI?

Chatbot Billie, your virtual customer service assistant at The self-driving car that shifts your live up a gear. Siri, who has answers to all your questions. All the above are examples of AI: “smart” self-teaching software that is based on machine learning.

To do this, however, AI needs existing data and a human who “controls” the software. This means that AI is not that intelligent after all. Still, you shouldn’t underestimate the possibilities. For one thing, lots of people experience data processing and analysis as time-consuming, even boring activities. Does AI change that?

Standing still is moving backwards

Administrative functions have been evolving for generations. Where are the days when row and rows of secretaries would mindlessly type numbers on a typewriter? When was pen and paper still used in bookkeeping? When was “shorthand” still a subject in secretary studies?

Computers are gradually taking over our jobs! A common, yet unjustified belief. Quite the opposite in fact, since there is a shortage of administrative staff. Once again, the profession is going through changes, induced by employers’ demand for highly versatile employees. We certainly welcome such a development.

 Tip: how to become versatile

Would you like to increase your chances of success at finding a job as an assistant? Get knowledge in several domains. For example: an HR officer who also masters social media.

A glimpse into the future

Even though predicting the future remains a distant dream, what does our common sense tell us? AI is becoming an indispensable tool, a new type of colleague who:

  • works fast and without making mistakes
  • is never sick or absent
  • is happy to take on our time-consuming tasks.

AI is therefore becoming your assistant, freeing time for other activities. How will your job look like?

  • more social: you invest more time in customers. A satisfied customer is your best ambassador. 
  • more thorough:  AI processes all the data. What about presenting and interpreting the data, and thinking out of the box? Leave that to humans (you!). This allows you to become more involved in organisational and operational aspects.
  • more varied: now, you finally have time to grow in your job, follow additional training and take on other tasks. And before you know it, you become the coveted versatile assistant.


AI will prompt a positive evolution in the labour market, while taking over your routine, often time-consuming tasks. And what about your job? It will change for the better and become more varied and fun.

Are you ready for it? If that’s the case, you are the assistant Bright Plus is looking for. Check out our vacancies today and apply for a challenging administrative job.