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A temporary contract first? That’s all right!

You might recognise the situation: you find a vacancy for your dream job, get all worked up about it and then notice the words “temporary with the possibility of permanent”. OUCH! Now, you’re suddenly filled with doubt. But you are not alone in this case! There’s no need to let your dream job escape. Let’s remove some misconceptions and ambiguities

Charlotte Keulen

3 min. reading time

Permanent vs temporary

“Temporary with the possibility of permanent” is not a ruse to get more candidate applications to fill in a job vacancy. The employer actually intends to enter into a long-term contract with the new employee. So, why use the term ‘possibility’? The idea is that the new employee will switch to a permanent contract after a certain period – usually after 6 months. This period is the perfect opportunity to see if there is a match between both parties.

So, is it a trial period?

Since the abolition of the trial period, there is a tendency to fill job vacancies under a temporary contract. This means that the employee works under a weekly or monthly contract through a third party, the temporary employment agency. The agency therefore is the ‘official’ employer. The employer can assess your level of performance during this period. It also affords you a little more flexibility: if you don’t like the function, you can be quickly available again for a new challenge.

Fact: Even under a permanent contract, the notice period is just one week in the beginning. In this respect, therefore, a temporary contract initially does not differ from a permanent contract.

Contract with benefits

A temporary employment contract does not mean that your salary or benefits will be cut back. While working under your temporary contract, you are entitled to the same fringe benefits as the permanent employees in the company. If the permanent employees get meal vouchers, you will get them too. What if you worked for an employer for at least 65 days?  Then you are also entitled to an end-of-year bonus. In this case, it is paid out by the temporary employee fund instead of your employer.

Holiday pay

If you work under a temporary contract, you are also entitled to holiday pay, but the process is different from that of a permanent contract. Under a temporary contract, the holiday pay is paid weekly or monthly together with your wages. This is clearly stated on your payslip. As a result, you will not receive a payment during your holiday and it may look like you are taking unpaid leave. In fact, you have already gradually received your holiday pay during the weeks worked. At the end of the day, this is the same as under a permanent contract.

And more good news: you get paid on public holidays under a temporary contract. Hello Christmas shopping!

No need to postpone saving for your pension

Even though there are many misunderstandings about pension saving, you also accrue pension during your period as a temporary worker. So, no negative impact on your nest egg for your old age. The accrual of your pension will not differ either. Your temporary employment agency pays the necessary contributions to the retirement fund, while the company employing you would do this under a permanent contract.

No loss in the event of illness

And what happens if you fall ill during your temporary employment contract? You fall back on your health insurance. Although the amount is less than a day’s salary, you still get a compensation paid into your bank account. The amount you get from the health insurance is approximately 60% of your normal gross salary.  The difference is that, under a permanent contract, you would receive 100% guaranteed salary from your employer for the first 30 days of your illness.

So, no need to be put off by a job description stating “with the possibility of permanent”. Another advantage? If you just graduated, a temporary job may be the perfect springboard to a permanent contract in many cases. Interested? Feel free to contact us and we will find your ideal job for you.

About the author

Charlotte Keulen

Vroeger schreef ik gedichten en teksten voor liedjes. Ik droomde ervan de tweede Britney Spears te worden. Zowel mijn schrijftalent als mijn zangtalent zouden helaas nooit het daglicht zien. Ten eerste was ik nooit tevreden over mijn eigen creaties en ten tweede heb ik een stem die absoluut niet gemaakt is om ook maar één noot te zingen.  

Een marketingdiploma, een cursus copywriting en heel wat ervaring later, zet ik mijn wil om te schrijven anders in. Als Digital Recruiter bij Bright Plus kan ik vaak urenlang intens tokkelen op mijn toetsenbord. Mailings, vacatures die gepimpt moeten worden, social media posts, en uiteraard deze blogs. Overal kan ik mijn creativiteit in kwijt. Zo leg ik nu dagelijks mijn tekstueel ei. Met creaties die ik regelmatig wél de buitenwereld durf insturen.

Want ik zit met een overvol hoofd, altijd en overal. Maar als ik een tekst schrijf geraak ik volledig "in the zone". En dat is steeds eventjes genieten!

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