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Back to work after your holidays

How can you hang on to that holiday feeling a little while longer?

Bright Plus

1 min. reading time

Getting back into a rhythm and recharging you batteries before that first day back at work… Our tips make sure you have a positive and trouble-free start.

It is great to take some time off to spend quality time with family and friends. After such a break, you might be reluctant to fall back into the routine of everyday life the next morning. But not necessarily.

1. Allow yourself a transition period

Do not come home at the last minute. This extra time helps you 'acclimatise', and is handy to empty and put away those holiday suitcases.

2. Make sure your calendar does not fill up right away

Give yourself time to settle back into work and deal with your correspondence. On your first day back at the office, take the time to find out about the state of affairs, the problems that arose and the decisions which were taken during your absence.

3. Remember your good resolutions

Holidays also mean occasionally taking time for self-reflection. Don't shelve your good intentions as soon as things heat up at work; instead, try to consciously incorporate them in your schedule.

4. Bring a holiday memento to work

A souvenir or a holiday picture helps keep that positive feeling alive a while longer.

5. Share your experience

With your colleagues, talk about your and their holidays. It contributes to a positive atmosphere in the workplace.

6. Start by reviewing recent e-mails

In all likelihood the older messages will no longer be relevant, or will have already been handled by colleagues.

7. Take a break

Plan a lunch away from your workplace. It will taste so much better than a quick bite behind your screen.

8. Don't give up your holidays just yet

Hold on to your holiday habits for a while during your work week. Eat out in the evening, take an aperitif while you cook dinner, practice a sport, etc.

9. A free night is okay

Don't view a quiet evening at home as a lack of social contact. Take advantage of that free evening to get over your jetlag or completely re-organise yourself.

It's obvious: if planning your holidays increases its chance of success, you can also prepare for a smooth return. How do you hang on to that holiday feeling when you go back to work? Feel free to share your tips!