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Keep performing under stress.

How do you do it? Assistants experience regular bouts of stress more than ever before. Deadlines are never far away and overtime is a regular occurrence. So, just what is the best way to tackle things at times like these? We are pleased to help you on your way with a few useful guidelines!

Bright Plus

3 min. reading time


A good dose of flexibility is an important requirement for being able to cope with stressful situations. It is important not to panic if priorities change unexpectedly and your manager suddenly asks you to take on a new project. Make the most of the situation to show just how flexible you can be and how quickly you can adjust! 

Ask questions

Keeping questions to yourself or trying to work around them is always counterproductive. Pluck up the courage to ask questions if there is something that is unclear and go in search of the answers you need in order to carry out your task

Think before you act

Establishing an action plan before you start a project offers many advantages. For example, it helps you identify any possible obstacles well in advance and you can also bundle several questions together, so you receive an answer much sooner. An action plan also helps you maintain a global overview of the project.

Establish priorities

An action plan also enables you to set priorities for specific parts of the project. If you find you don’t have enough time for certain tasks, you can quickly ascertain which tasks can wait and which need dealing with. So, establish priorities and ask for your manager’s input when  in any doubt.

Don’t put things off

Stressing about a deadline does not really help you meet it. It’s therefore best to just get on with it rather than to worry and put things off! This is the best way to deal with stress!

Take a break

It is important to squeeze in a break if you really can’t go on any further! You will be amazed what effect a short walk can have. Even just closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths can give you all the energy that you need to be able to get on with the job once again.

Stay calm

Everyone experiences times when everything just becomes too much, which sometimes leads to people momentarily losing themselves. Try not to let yourself get too overwhelmed by the moment and stay calm. You can reduce the tension and make meeting the following deadline that much easier with a little humour and by celebrating accomplishments such as meeting deadlines. 

Try to remain sociable

Although it’s a natural reflex to isolate yourself when things get tough, try to resist this and make sure that you keep talking to the people around you. Being able to let off steam really helps, and who knows, someone might even have a good idea that could help you get the job done much faster

Ask for help if you need it

Sometimes a job is just too big for one person. Ask a colleague for help if you are doing everything you can do but it still does not seem enough.


It is sometimes difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel during busy periods. Don’t forget that your work is part of a larger project and bear this in mind if you are feeling dismayed by it all.

Learn from your projects!

It is always useful to evaluate how you worked after a project has finished. What helped keep you on track, what went less smoothly and how could you communicate certain issues better? Go over your evaluation and take your conclusions with you to your next assignment!

Work on your office karma

If you have some time and you see a colleague in need, then be sure to offer your help! They will be the first to help you out when you are having a tough time.